Ein Sechstel der Erde. Gespräch mit Daria Ghiu

- Date
- Duration
- 24:35
Lecture: Daria Ghiu (curator, Bucharest)
"One Sixth of the Earth. Ecologies of Image" presents art produced in countries of the former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc dating from the last 15 years. The exhibition focuses on works of moving image − the medium adopted by many contemporary artists − and develops a broad 'ecological' framework to present and contextualize a wide range of work from different countries and cultures. Artists and curators respond to the exhibition »One Sixth of the Earth. Ecologies of Image«. Short lectures and the panel discussion will focus on Romania which has been one of the most productive art scene in recent years. The contributions of participants with different professional backgrounds (artists, curators in and outside Romania) should give an overall view over this complex phenomenon.