»GLOBALE: Reset Modernity!« and »GLOBALE: New Sensorium«
A comparison of two exhibitions

- Date
- Duration
- 7:27
Two exhibitions. Two curatorial concepts. Four pieces of artwork to compare. In April 2016, curators Bruno Latour and Yuko Hasegawa met in the ZKM. During their exchanges, they found surprising overlaps in their respective exhibitions. “Reset Modernity!” stimulates the visitor to take a new look at our world and to question entrenched viewpoints. It is with good reason that Bruno Latour also calls it the “Thought Exhibition”. In “New Sensorium”, Yuko Hasegawa has made human sensory impressions and our perceptions the focus of creative works. In doing so, the exhibition moves between the terms of materiality, physicality and digital information. In both exhibitions, artists are represented, whose mode of operation is comparable with that of the researchers.
The piece “The Toaster Project” by Thomas Thwaites and “Leviathan” by Lucien Castaing-Taylor and Véréna Paravel from the “Reset Modernity!” exhibition are compared with “WITHIN” by Tarek Atoui and “Toposcan/Baden-Württemberg” by Shiro Takatani from the “New Sensorium” exhibition.
Video Documentary:
ZKM | Institute for Visual Media
Camera: Sarah Binder, Moritz Büchner, Rabea Rahmig, Martina Rotzal, Christina Zartmann
Editing: Rabea Rahmig
Voice over: Rabea Rahmig
Sound recording: Anton Kossjanenko
Concept: Carmen Beckenbach