Hash Award 2018 | Virtual Goes Real | Part 3
Award ceremony with Marisa Olson (juror), Marloes de Valk (laureate), Jean-Baptiste Joly (Akademie Schloss Solitude) und Peter Weibel (ZKM).

- Date
- Duration
- 49:51
What are creative people working on on the net worldwide? Which topics move them? What are your questions? And what artistic answers do they give to developments in technology, society and the Internet?
Based on the hash value from information technology, which is unique for each file and is used as a check value during data transfer, the hash stands for an outstanding project. From virtual reality to artificial intelligence to surveillance technologies - three times a year, tenders with different focuses are developed within the framework of "Web Residencies". In two years, some 550 artists, coder, designers, technologists and scientists have submitted ideas. 22 of them were awarded Web Residencies.
About the award winner:
This year's winner of the »Hash«, Marloes de Valk, critically examines the mechanisms and contexts of propaganda, fake news and climate change in her artistic work ranging from computer games to installations to publications, surveillance technologies and artificial intelligence. During a four-week Web Residency in 2017 on »Art & Whistleblowing«, she explored in an essayist work the strategies of industry and politics to manipulate public opinion and the role of the media, based on PR campaigns during the 1980s in the US.
In particular, juror Marisa Olson convinced the variety of media the artist uses as a »passionate and informed cultural commentator on the larger ecosystem of technological devices that includes network culture and its symptoms - from global warming to infectious surveillance states. When talking about Internet Art in 2018, it is essential to include this wider range of aesthetic, cultural and political considerations.« (Marisa Olson)
Video Documentary:
ZKM | Videostudio
Camera: Frenz Jordt, Hannah Radgen
Editing: Bastian Buchgraber