Peter Weibel: »From a Society of Proximity to a Tele-Society«
... aus freier Lust ... verbunden ... / Einklang freier Wesen

- Date
- Duration
- 21:53
Artists, ensembles and promoters discuss digital music experience and showcase a global cooperation project.
»The new era has begun. [...] Culture is becoming an online paradise,« Peter Weibel stated in his essay »Virus, Virality, Virtuality«. Based on his theory of a telesociety (»Ferngesellschaft«), representatives of international ensembles, the ZKM | Karlsruhe, and promoters discuss the limits and opportunities of the digital music experience and present the cooperative project »einklang freier wesen« – an interactive audio interface that enables one to experience an ensemble work by Georg Friedrich Haas online.
Video documentary:
ZKM | Videostudio
Live editing: Xenia Leidig
Livestream: Peter Müller