Motion_Picture_Experiments – Future of Media Art

School Workshop

You can see a black and white picture on which an elderly man sits in front of a tube screen on whose screen you can see a young man standing in front of an old television.

Book a workshop for school classes on a date of your choice.

From grade 8 onwards, Duration: 3 hours, max. 10 participants, Costs: 158 €, Language: German

In the meantime, technology has allowed us to record, reproduce and edit moving images quickly and easily. If we look at these moving images, embedded in the use of social networks in the everyday life of young people, we ask ourselves whether and how the aesthetic approach changes. Is it possible to create sophisticated video clips with simple mainstream apps? What helps us? What are our tools and strategies? In the exhibition »Writing the History of the Future« we can trace the aesthetic change in video art and its relationship to media technology. The aim of the workshop »BEWEGT_BILD_EXPERIMENTE« [MOVING_IMAGE_EXPERIMENTS] is to provide  young people who live in a media–visual world with an aesthetic foundation.

In line with the educational programs of all types of schools in the field of fine arts.


Tel: +49 (0) 721/8100-1330
Fax: +49 (0) 721/8100-1339

You can call us Tuesdays from 1 pm–6 pm as well as Thursdays from 9 am–1 pm.

Please register yourself and your group at least 7 days ahead of your desired date.

You can also book this offer directly via our booking form.