BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time

Kamila B. Richter

Year of birth, place



As programmer of the early web era (0System, 1997 and MSystem, 1998) Kamila B. Richter lets strings of zeros and ones (Emporium Spirit, 2005 and Black Vortex, 2006) emerge, meander, disintegrate and resurrect in the spaces of the exhibition rooms. Since 2005 Richter has been developing web-based, often interactive projects together with Michael Bielicky, in which real-time data from the net steers the narrative. Animated stories are influenced and controlled by stock market data, news, Twitter, etc., often in an absurdist way, most recently in Lost Objects, National Theater Prague (2015) and Lost, Apollonia, Strasbourg (2016), among others. In the first quarter of 2017, the solo exhibition LOST at Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wifredo Lam in Havana, Cuba ended after the second extension.

Since 2011, Kamila B. Richter has been using technically outdated cell phones with low resolution cameras to record street scenes at night in European cities, as well as in cities in Asia, South and North America. Her paintings show mostly blurred silhouettes of human beings, often captured in backlight atmospheres of technically disintegrated surroundings. The artist is interested in the medialized reality of today, the machine vision: the representation of what the human eye cannot grasp. Thus, for the artist, the limited phase image of the blurred videos is the actual image of reality. This alienated, medialized reality as pictorial content and the old-master technique of oil painting, in which she realizes her works in weeks of layering paint, make the tensions of today's visual culture visible, even tangible.

Richter has been working in public and institutional spaces since 1996. Since the 2000s she has participated in national and international exhibitions, festivals, and symposia. Kamila B. Richter has exhibited in solo and group exhibitions on the web, at Telegrafenamt (Vienna), Art Center Nabi (Seoul, South Korea), Künstlerhaus (Vienna), DOX (Prague) and ZKM Karlsruhe.

Kamila B. Richter received a Master of Fine Arts degree in 2001 and a Dr. Phil degree in 2010 from the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague.
She lived in Durban Johannesburg (South Africa) from 2000-2002 and studied here at Technikon Natal, Durban. Kamila B. Richter lives and works today in Düsseldorf and Karlsruhe.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

