Anne-Sarah Le Meur. Beyond-Round
Fri, August 26, 2011 6:00 pm CEST
- Location
- Cube
»Beyond-Round« is an interactive, 360° panorama installation which thematizes perception from the special vantage point of the visitor. Viewers are able to observe and realise the projected visual elements only when moving very slowly. In response to rapid movements, by contrast, the projections disappear from the field of vision. Picture and color dynamics consequently depend on visitor behavior.
A total of four phases are possible: in the first two phases pictures appear and disappear on the panorama screen. The color and rapidity with which they wander across the projection screen also changes. The third phase allows a more complex interaction with the picture. When moving very slowly, this interaction seems like a dance with the projected picture content. Phase four provides the option of a face-to-face situation: the picture can be looked at directly, and its attributes modified by way of slow movements.
Beyond Round
Beyond Round
- lemeur_zkm_recto_eng_web.pdf (266.49 KB)