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Maria Pawelec


Maria Pawelec studied political and administrative science and European studies in Constance, Istanbul, Bath and Berlin. Afterwards, she worked in the thematic area »International Understanding Europe and its Neighbors« at the Robert Bosch Stiftung in Stuttgart. Since 2016, Maria Pawelec has been a research assistant in various media and technology ethics projects at the International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW) at the University of Tübingen. In 2016-2019, she worked on the project »Ethical Implications of IT Export to Sub-Saharan Africa (ELISA)«. Additionally, she supported the Privacy Arena project and coordinated the preparation of an expert report on behalf of the German Bundestag on observation technologies. In 2020, she worked on the project »Technology innovation: social science and ethical analyses on governance (TANGO)«. Since 2021, Maria Pawelec has been researching the topic of »Ethical and social implications of 'deepfakes' and opportunities for their regulation« in the project »Digitization in Dialogue (digilog@bw)«.


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