BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time

Tiara Roxanne

© Photo: Augustín Farías


Tiara Roxanne is a Purhépecha (descendant) / settler Italian Mestiza scholar and artist based in Berlin. They are currently a Postdoctoral Fellow at Data & Society in the Trustworthy Infrastructures research team, developing protocols of trust and safety online with Indigenous communities based in Central and South America.

Roxanne’s work is dedicated to rethinking the ethics of AI through an anti-colonial and cyberfeminist lens. By taking a multidisciplinary approach, their research on data colonialism interrogates how big data and datamining systems govern a colonial imposition through design and (visual) representation. These datamining practices arise from machine learning and artificial intelligence black boxes that lack intersectional intelligence and Indigenous knowledge.

As a performance artist and practitioner, they work between the digital and the material using textile. Currently their work is mediated through the color red.
Tiara has presented at Images Festival (Toronto), Squeaky Wheel Film and Media Art Center (NY), Trinity Square Video (Toronto),  European Media Art Festival (Osnabrück), University of Applied Arts (Vienna),  SOAS (London), SLU (Madrid), Transmediale (Berlin), Duke University (NC), Tech Open Air (Berlin), AMOQA (Athens), Zurich University of the Arts (Zurich), Autonomous Intercultural Indigenous University (Columbia), Utrecht University (NL), University of California (San Diego), Münchener Kammerspiele (Munich),  Laboratorio Arte Alameda, (Mexico City),  among others.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

