Walter van der Cruijsen

Year of birth, place


Role at the ZKM

  • Artist of the Collection


Walter van der Cruijsen has worked as an artist in the field of painting and conceived culture projects within the scope of »De Digitale Stad«, Amsterdam. His interest in the Internet led to the development of theoretical and practical projects on the subject of networking, virtual communication and art. 

1978-81 Studied History at the Nijmegen University
1982-85 Studied at the Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten, Arnheim 

Teaching/other activities
1987-90 Cofounder and Director of the Guest Artists' Program »Elba«, Nijmegen
1989-93 Founder and Director of the Her Tijdelijk Museum, Nijmegen
1994 Network Administrator at the Netherlands Design Institute; Amsterdam; Founder and Director of, Amsterdam; Workshop, Scan, Minerva Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Groningen
​1995 Workshop, Montevideo, Amsterdam
1996 Temporary Lecturer, Rovaniemi University, Finland
1997 Web Master at the Hochschule für Gestaltung (HfG), Karlsuhe; Temporary Lecturer at the Zürich College for Advanced Professional Training; Seminar, Lighthouse, Brighton

​Internet projects (selection)
1994 »De Digitale Stad«, Amsterdam
since 1995 »Salon Digital«, ZKM | Medienmuseum, Karlsruhe
1995 »The Dutch Thing«, Amsterdam

1988 Project Grant, Gelderland Province
1989 Artist in residence at the Nógradi Sándor Museum, Salgótarján
1990 Grant for a three-month project tour through Siberia, SEASS (Society for the Promotion of Art), Kemerovo
1992 Project Grant, Netherlands Embassy, Budapest

Solo exhibitions (selection)
1990 »Het land dat slaapt. Reisdocumenten«, Lighthouse, Nijmegen
1992 »Situation«, Újlak, Budapest
1996 »Tarra«, Extrapool, Nijmegen

Group exhibitions (selection)
1988 »8 Installaties«, Paraplufabrieken, Nijmegen
1989 »Anima G«, Nijmegen/Arnheim
1990 »Het Drieluik«, Nijmeegs Museum: G.B.K., Nijmegen
1992 Blair, Amsterdam
1993 »TripleX Festival«, Amsterdam; »Camping De Fabriek«, De Fabriek, Eindhoven
1993 »World Wide Video Festival«, The Hague

Literature (selection)
Cruijsen, Walter: "Datenraum I", Mediopolis Berlin e.V. (ed.): »transmedia '97«, Berlin 1997; Cruijsen, Walter: "Das Wesentliche am Internet sind nicht die Maschinen, sondern die Menschen", »Slash-Internet/Cyberspace Magazin«, Nr. 9, July-August, Le-Mont-sur-Lausanne 1997



ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

