Pauline Oliveros
Feminale of Music
The composer, performer and philanthropist Pauline Oliveros is an important pioneer of electronic music. Her album »Deep Listening« (1988) is titled a milestone in spatial sound art.
For four decades Pauline Oliveros (1932–2016) has been researching tones and sounds receiving international recognition, thus opening up new paths for herself and others. With improvisation, electronic music, rituals, instructions and meditations, she has succeeded in creating a work of visionary power that remains indescribable for many: »On a certain level, music, sound perception and religion are one, and she seems to be very close to this level,« John Rockwell stated.
With Deep Listening Pieces and her earlier Sonic Meditations, Oliveros introduced the concept of incorporating all existing ambient sounds into a musical performance. To make this a pleasant experience requires focused concentration, practiced musicians and strong improvisational skills, which are the hallmarks of Oliveros' form of expression. Oliveros uses an accordion tuned to two keys and electronics to change the accordion's tones and explore the individual characteristics of a room. Through her concerts, recordings, publications and musical compositions, Pauline Oliveros has built up a loyal following. She writes her compositions for soloists and ensembles in music, dance, theater and interdisciplinary fields. She was also Distinguished Research Professor of Music at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Darius Milhaud Composer in Residence at Mills College. Oliveros has been involved in many areas, such as the need for diversity and experimentation in the arts and the promotion of collaborative work and mutual understanding among all people.
In 2013, the ZKM | Center for Art and Media awarded the Giga Hertz Award for Electronic Music to Pauline Oliveros for her oeuvre.
Interview with Pauline Oliveros in the context of the Giga Hertz Award 2012

Giga-Hertz-Preis 2012. Gespräch mit Pauline Oliveros (Kurz)
Music Pieces
Bye Bye Butterfly (1965), published by Paradigm Discs, 1997
Alien Bog (1967), published by Pogus Productions, 1997
Mnemonics III (1965), published by Sub Rosa, 2008
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