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Alexander Hicks


Alexander Hicks was born 1983 in Houston, Texas, and is an expert when it comes to chilis, starting his chili eating career before he even turned one. At 14 years old he started cooking with chilis, and shortly after that he started growing this plant. Finding many interesting new varieties from all over the world he has grown over 2000 different varieties over the years. Recently, he introduced his chili passion to an array of people by presenting interesting facts in many outlets, such as social media and in different TV shows. Hicks organic grown chili plants received awards at major garden shows, and his presentations in schools show young people the different aspects about this plant that has a cultural impact all over the world. He also initiated the project CHILIVIELFALT to build an independent archive for chili seeds worldwide.  

With experience in renewable energy and agriculture, he is now exploring energy efficient growing environments to produce crops. One project is a rooftop Greenhouse with a cradle 2 cradle concept that will be able to produce fresh chilis year-round, with a minimum of external energy.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

