BS DC Import Time

Ben Fawkes

© Ben Fawkes, Foto: Kristina Paustian

Year of birth, place

United Kingdom

Role at the ZKM

  • Guest Artist


Ben Fawkes (*1984) is a Berlin-based sound artist and musician originally from the United Kingdom. After picking up the guitar at the age of ten, he has been playing in bands and music projects since the early 2000s. After a five-year break, he began making music again with a collection of loop, delay and echo pedals while also experimenting with 'prepared' guitars, inspired by John Cage's 'prepared piano' compositons and artists such as Keith Rowe. With his music he wants to create cinematic atmospheres that are made for the late hours/early mornings and for installations, film and visual art. Having lived in Berlin since 2010 Fawkes has been involved in the local Berlin art and music scene both creatively and curatorially. As a founding member and Vice Chair of the Berlin Institute for Sound and Music, in 2015, (, he helped curate, organise and raise funds for projects facilitating installations for the likes of Brian Eno, Thom Yorke, Holly Herndon, Tarik Barri, Suzanne Ciani and Ben Frost. He left the ISM at the end of 2023 and is now focussing on his own artistic projects.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

