BS DC Import Time

CATPC – Cercle d’Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise

CATPC group shot
© Human Activities 2020


CATPC (Cercle d’Art des Travailleurs de Plantation Congolaise) is an art cooperative of plantation workers based in Lusanga, DR Congo. CATPC was initiated in collaboration with Dutch artist Renzo Martens in 2014. In 2017, the New York Times named their solo show at SculptureCenter ”'the most challenging show of the year”’. CATPC has built a practice of securing hundreds of acres of former plantation land for future generations with the proceeds of their art. In the middle of that land, they built a museum, the White Cube Lusanga. On that land, they develop new pathways of restitution, establishing worker-owned, ecological and inclusive food gardens: the Post Plantation. CATPC is laureate of the S+T+ARTS Prize Africa 2024 Grand Prize (Ars Electronica Festival 2024). 

Members and interns

Ngongo Mateso René, Mbuku Kimpala Lisette, Manenga Kibwila Daniel, Muhamba Emery, Mabiala Masamba Jérémie, Djonga Olongo Bismar, Kasiama Kilapi Matthieu, Tamasala Kahungu Cedart,  Kanga Mapombo Irène,  Muvunzi Daniel, Kawata Makanda Jean, Mandefu Ayao Blaise, Kilembi Kanga Huguette, Mulela Mabamba Olele, Leta Mihala Richard, Kapasa Muyaka, Meya Mira, Mukundu Tantine, Kindendi Athanas, Lembusa Philomène, Leba Charles, Makongote Plamedi, Kihema Marie José, Leba Anti, Kimbimbi Exaucé, Musula Benedicte, Tamasala Mbo Alvers, Bukumba Alphonse


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

