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Charles Harrison


Since 1971 Charles Harrison has been a member of the group Art & Language, which places the differentiation of its theoretical approach at the forefront of its activities. He has been editor of the journal Art-Language since 1971. Presently Harrison teaches as professor of art history at the Open University (UK). In recent years he has published, among others, »Homes from Home II« (co-authored with Michael Baldwin and Mel Ramsden Art & Language, 2006), »Painting the Difference: Sex and Spectator in Modern Art« (2005), »Art & Language: writings since 1980« (co-authored with Michael Baldwin and Mel Ramsden Art & Language, 2005), »Conceptual Art and Painting« (2001). Furthermore, Harrison is co-editor with Paul Wood, of »Art in Theory 1900-2000« (2002), »Art in Theory 1815-1900« (1998) as well as »Art in Theory 1648-1815« (2000).



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