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Mang Dian


Mang Dian is an environmental activist that works with the river, waste management and urban farming in Bandung, Indonesia together with Cikapundung Community, Karang Taruna, dan PHL BBWS Citarum. He is now the director of Masagi Community and head of the neighbourhood 04 Cibogo, Bandung. He runs and manages his urban farming activity at his small garden called Urban Organik Farm at Cibogo, Bandung.

Rumahloine and Dian have worked together since 2014, in the projects Kuncen Leuwi and Family Portrait Project. Currently, they are collaborating in Sedekah Benih and Rubicon, a project collaboration between Rakarsa Foundation, IFI Bandung and Goethe Institut Bandung with the support of the German – France Cultural Fund.


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76135 Karlsruhe

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