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Marie-José Mondzain

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Marie-José Mondzain born 1944 in Algiers, Algeria is a French art historian and philosopher. She studied at the École normale supérieure (ENS) in Sèvres (Département Hauts-de-Seine). She is the director of the Groupe de Sociologie Politique et Morale at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Paris. Her research interests lie in Byzantine culture and image theory, which she expanded by a modern iconology.  This she did in her book »Image, Icon, Economy. The Byzantine Origins of the Contemporary Imaginary«, Stanford University Press 2004. Another iconological analysis of hers can be found in »Homo spectator«, Bayard 2007. As Part of her iconological research included the analysis of ethical components in images especially the implications of violence through images.
Further selected publications are: »L’image peut-elle tuer?« (Bayard, Montrouge 2010), »L’Image naturelle« (Le Nouveau commerce, Paris 1995), »Van Gogh ou la peinture comme tauromachie« (Epure, Paris 1996), »Transparence, opacité? 14 artistes contemporains chinois« (Les Éditions Cercle d'art, 1999), »Le Commerce des regards« (Seuil, Paris 2003). Besides the selection of books she is also the author of various articles:  "Iconic space and the rule of lands“ (transl. by Rico Franses), »Hypatia» 15 (4):58-76 (2000); "Nouvelles technologies de l'image et démocratie," »Horizons Philosophiques« 11 (1) (2000); »L’image peut-elle tuer?« (Bayard, 2002) [»Können Bilder töten?« diaphanes, Zürich 2006]; "L’incarnation chez Andrei Tarkovsky," (Esprit, été 2004); "Matérialisme photographique," Autour d’Eric Rondepierre, Paris, Editions Léo Scheer 2003; »Qu’est-ce que tu vois?« (Gallimard, 2008); »Images (à suivre), De la poursuite au cinéma et ailleurs« (Bayard, 2011). 



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