Max Eilbacher

© Maxwell Eilbacher


Max Eilbacher works with sound. That work materializes in various forms; compositions, musical performances, conceptual systems, perceptual choreography, installations and theoretical sculpture. He presents these different works as a solo artist, as a member of the musical group »Horse Lords«, and in various collaborations with artists like Arnold Dreyblatt, Phillip Solloman, Konrad Sprenger, Ka Baird, and Matmos to name a few. No matter how the final work may be categorized, the art typically utilizes speakers and sound waves. A frequent concern throughout the works is an inquiry into the inextricable and complex relationship between sound and experience. At each incident of sound, a phenomenological abyss must be transversed. He is aware the listener is the agent taking such a leap. Composition (or whatever may be emanating from a speaker) is the practical enactment of such a leap.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

