BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time

Norbert Huwer

Year of birth, place


Role at the ZKM

  • Artist of the Collection


Norbert Huwer was born in Homburg in 1947. From 1967 to 1973 he studied at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Karlsruhe, under Klaus Arnold and Wilhelm Loth. Huwer now lives in Karlsruhe.

Huwer's work is diverse in every respect. His objects are fragile constructions made out of various materials, sometimes partially suspended and calmly oscillating, or seeming to hover. Huwer often integrates thinly painted transparent materials into these objects, thus ensuring that their appearance alters with changes in the lighting. Quite distinct from such works are the objects made out of heavy copper panels, on the surface of which Huwer achieves a painterly effect of colour through the application of various types of acid to ensure a variety of patinas. The works made with superimposed pairs of acrylic glass panels have regular geometric shapes - predominantly horizontal or vertical in emphasis. This sort of transparent support allows Huwer to paint on both the front and back or to allow the paint to trickle down between the two panels. Thus, the various levels within a composition are found to overlap without entirely masking each other; and the appearance of the work alters depending on the position of the spectator. Other painting supports with which Huwer has achieved striking results include paper, foil, insulating panels and various types of floor covering. He has also produced glass sculptures and has worked with music. 

​Individual exhibitions (selection)
1982 »Ausstellung im Lichthof«, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe
1984 Ehemalige Orgelfabrik Durlach
1985 Galerie Friebe/Map, Cologne; Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe
1986 Galerie Keim, Stuttgart
1991 Städtisches Museum und Galerie, Engen
1992 Künstlerkreis Ortenau, Ritterhausmuseum, Offenburg
1993 Kunstraum Neureut
1994 Vollack-Forum, Rheinhafen Karlsruhe
1995 Wohnkunst-Galerie, Karlsruhe
Group exhibitions (selection)
1974 »Plastiken aus der Kunststoffwerkstatt«, Lichthof der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Karlsruhe
1980 »Sommerausstellung«, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe
1981 Künstlerbund Baden-Württemberg, Villa Merkel, Esslingen
1983 Künstlerbund Baden-Württemberg, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart
1989 »1789-1989. 200 Jahre Französische Revolution«, Europäische Kulturtage Karlsruhe
1990 »ARCADIA«, Marstall, Schloss Rastatt, Rastatt
1992 »Absichten - Ansichten - Aussichten«, Städtische Galerie im Prinz-Max-Palais, Karlsruhe
1993 »Kunst/Szene/Saar«, Landeskunstausstellung, Museum Haus Ludwig, Saarlouis
1994 »Ehemalige Schüler der AdBK Karlsruhe - Klasse Klaus Arnold«, Schloss Bruchsal; »Jätzt. Jahresausstellung '94«, Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe
1995 »41. Jahresausstellung«, Künstlerbund Baden-Württemberg, Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart
1997 »Gegenstandslosigkeit heute«, Kunstpreis der Sparkasse Karlsruhe

[David Richardt, 1997]


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