BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time

Suncica Pasuljevic Kandic


Sunčica Pasuljević Kandić is a media artist, cultural worker and researcher who lives and works in Novi Sad, Serbia. 

At the moment she is working at the Academy of Art in Novi Sad as an Associate in new media art, the Institute for Flexible Cultures and Technologies -NAPON - as a Project manager and since 2013 she is collaborating with the Institute for Culture of Vojvodina on cross border collaborations in order to straighten cultural scene of Novi Sad. She is the initiator of the International Network for Interdisciplinary Research in Art & STS (Science-Technology-Society) for South and Central Europe. 
With NAPON, she organized lectures, conferences and several local and international projects, which are for instance: »Mapping a digital heritage – contemporary art of 20th & 21th century«, »Contemporary reading of technologies« and »Techno Ecologies«. She is a co-editor of publication »Autonomies«, which is part of a research done during »Techno Ecologies« project. 

As an artist she is interested in 3D printing, art-science-technology, maps & mapping, rhizomatic writing, art book, post body image, semiology of objects and semantics of language. She exhibited across Serbia, in Italy, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Finland. 
Occasionally, she writes on culture and art and works on straightening Napon’s network of local and international associates and partners as well as promoting emerging artist of Vojvodina’s contemporary art scene. 



ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

