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Susanne Regener


Prof. Dr. phil. Susanne Regener is a culture and media scientist. Having completed her post-doctoral thesis she was a visiting professor in Germany, Denmark, Austria and Switzerland. She is currently Visiting Professor for Visual Culture at the Danish University of Education in Copenhagen. The main focus of her teaching and research work is on visual culture, social productions of normality and abnormality in police/judicial and psychiatric institutions, the media history of self-projection, the theory and history of photography and forms of pictorial documentation, Internet/online communication and the virtual university. Post-doctoral thesis: »Fotografische Erfassung. Zur Geschichte medialer Konstruktionen des Kriminellen« (1999); numerous articles on the above fields of research, the latest of which "Forschungsfeld Visuelle Kultur: Die alte und die neue Welt der Fotografie", in: Ayass/Bergmann (eds.), »Qualitative Methoden der Medienwissenschaft« will be published shortly by Rowohlt Verlag. "Mediale Taxidermie: Vorstellungen über das Gesicht von Eskimos", in: Hülk-Althoff/Kreimeier (eds.), »Das Gesicht im frühen Film« will be appearing soon. A monograph on human images in psychiatry is in preparation.



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