Tristan Schulze

Year of birth, place
1982, Leipzig, Germany
lives and works in
Leipzig, Germany
Role at the ZKM
in the collection

Tristan Schulze holds a degree in interaction design, and works as an artist and designer specializing in digital and hybrid media art. He has been lecturing at art departments in Dessau, Magdeburg and Bremen. Since 2017, he has been teaching in the field of multimedia / virtual reality at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle.

A central starting point of his artistic practice is formed by questions about ecologically compatible and economically just ways of living, which incorporates digital innovations with the knowledge of cultural traditions. His works reflect the intertwinings of the physical and digital worlds, new materials and virtual platforms, and the interrelations between technical and social developments. The tools and design interests of his experimental, application-oriented and speculative understanding of art include sensor technology, AI (artificial intelligence), AR (augmented reality), mixed reality, and Internet of Things technologies.