Phone Story
Paolo Pedercini – 2011
»Make It Rain« denounces corruption by calling on its players to act corruptly themselves.
Inspired by real events, the task of the players is to bribe police and officers with money in order to get away with their own crimes. »Make It Rain« shows how fragile legal systems are in the face of vast differences in wealth.
»Make it Rain« was created in 2018 in the context of the »ART GAMES« game jam of the Goethe-Institut in Bangkok, Thailand.
Material / Technique Android |
Paolo Pedercini of la molleindustria about serious games and radical game design
5:35 min (english)
Let's Play »Phone Story« für »GLOBALE: Global Games«
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Playing Outwards - Critical Games in Context
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G4C14: Paolo Pedercini Making Games in an Fucked Up World
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