- App
ZKM Flashback
- Type of publication
- App
- Physical Description
- 84.5 MB, iOS 7.0, compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch and optimized for iPhone 5
- Language
- English
- Year
- 2014
- Content
- The »ZKM Flashback« App conveys the 25 year history of the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe via video clips.
The videos overlay the live image of the camera of the mobile device and, if the device is held at eye level, the first video opens up. In order to move ahead in the history of the ZKM, one has to turn in clockwise direction, which activates the next video in the timeline.
To experience all of the 25 years of the ZKM, several turns on the own axis are necessary, which makes the eventful history of the ZKM also a physical experience.
Organization / Institution
ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe