Shiro Takatani
Toposcan / Baden-Württemberg (2016)
This installation is an experimental simulation of non-human vision, showing both: time as movement (transposition) and time as accumulation (Sedimentation). Source imagery from a 360° sweeping panoramic video forms a moving image "window" that slowly travels left-to-right across a bank of eight 16:9 ratio monitors. As the window advances, the single-pixel left edge stretches out into a trail of horizontal bands. Then, as the window moves back right-to-left, the right edge deposits pixel-width vertical freeze-frame stripes, creating an incremental build-up of instant-by-instant image delays. Unlike how the human eye sees, the work thus combines three different visual formats – horizontal bands that ultimately form a landscape, sweeping landscape footage, and still delays from the panning footage – rather more akin to such optical devices as scanners and copy machines, which translate objects into lines, or cameras, which capture pictorial space without the depth or vanishing points of linear perspective.
Shiro Takatani developed »Toposcan / Baden-Württemberg« in collaboration with ZKM | Karlsruhe. It is a new version of an ongoing series, specially produced for »New Sensorium. Exiting from Failures of Modernization«.
Shiro Takatani developed »Toposcan / Baden-Württemberg« in collaboration with ZKM | Karlsruhe. It is a new version of an ongoing series, specially produced for »New Sensorium. Exiting from Failures of Modernization«.