As part of its artist-in-residence program “Sonic Experiments”, the ZKM Hertzlab yearly awards scholarships for composers focusing on electronic music and sound art. In the international Open Call, composers and sound artists were able to apply for the current categories “Analog Synthesizer”, “Experimental Spatial Pop” and “AI & Sensor Technology”. A total of six artists were selected to realize their new projects in the studios of the ZKM | Hertzlab for one month from the beginning of November. On December 5, 2024 they are going to present their works in the Cube to the public.
Sonic Experiments 2024
We introduce our new residents
Analog Synthesizer – Lam Lai & Marieke van de Ven
With her work "Spotless White", Lam Lai invites us to reflect on the cycles of nature. Her aim is to create a composition that she can manipulate live using the synthesizer and combine with the sonic structure of the space. By combining her synthesizer with numerous other effects, she can easily modify sounds during a live performance. Ultimately, the composition is about celebrating the authenticity of sounds created with an analog synthesizer.
Marieke van de Ven finds inspiration in the sounds of the natural and urban environments that surround us. Using field recordings, abstract sounds, interviews and text, she explores the relationship between sound and narrative. Her goal is to create an enchanted sonic labyrinth in which sound, space and perspective constantly shift and intertwine. To achieve this, she uses sounds created with a Serge synthesizer, magnetic tape, and test and measurement equipment consisting of oscillators, filters, and modulators. Her goal is to compose a sound architecture in which time, sound, and space are constantly changing and intertwining.
Experimental Spatial Pop – Beatriz Vaca "Narcoleptica", Ben Fawkes, M Lore Wingren
Beatriz Vaca "Narcoleptica" creates sounds that transcend the traditional boundaries of musicianship, moving between experimental electronic music and popular music aesthetics. Her work aims to merge live electronics and emotion to create an introspective sonic journey into unknown realms. To this end, she uses the human voice as an intersection between the intangible pulse of sound and tangible physicality.
M Lore Wingren developed an audiovisual performance that is reminiscent of a game and builds on previous experiments with audiovisual software. M Lore Wingren wants to create interfaces that allow the artist to interact with music in an expressive and playful way.
"Prepared Guitar Orchestra" is a research and experimental project in which Ben Fawkes aims to challenge stereotypical perceptions of experimental music and sound art. Inspired by John Cage's pieces for prepared piano and Keith Rowe's pieces for prepared guitar, Fawkes aims to create an "orchestra" of guitars that he can play entirely on his own. To achieve this, he combines the guitars with various devices attached to the strings to alter the sound, and also uses effect pedals. Each of the guitars used is connected to its own amplifier for fine sound control. The resulting sounds are then spatialized through the sound dome of the cube.
AI & Sensory - Maximilian Pellizzari
In his performance "Scrolling Years", Maximilian Pellizzari combines the spoken word with digital images by coupling his gestures, movements and baroque music with an AI. His aim is to explore how the spoken word and digital images influence each other and change their respective meanings. As the AI anticipates his actions, the musical composition depends on the physicality of his performance. By anticipating the artist's actions, the AI makes the musical composition dependent on his physical performance. This creates a dialogue between the artist's intention and the AI's machine learning algorithm.
Funded by
This year, "Culture Moves Europe" awarded five grant receivers with scholarships. Funded by the EU's "Creative Europe"-program, "Culture Moves Europe" is implemented by the Goethe-Institute.
Ben Fawke's scholarship is fully funded by ZKM | Karlsruhe with no additional funding from the European Union and is not part of "Culture Moves Europe".