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Code of Conduct

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D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 9705
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At ZKM, we want to work together in an open, trusting, and positive atmosphere every day. We do not accept boundary violations and abuses of power in verbal or physical form, nor do we accept violence, bullying, or discrimination. We stand for an open and diverse society. Everyone is welcome here, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, cultural, religious, ethnic, national and social background, or physical limitations. We are committed to acting and interacting in ways that contribute to a healthy, open, welcoming, diverse, and inclusive community. In situations that don't meet our standards, we act accordingly.


Behaviors that contribute to a positive environment include:

  • Kindness and empathy towards everyone
  • Respect for differing opinions, points of view, and experiences
  • Mutual feedback on potentially divergent behavior in a positive feedback culture
  • Taking personal responsibility for behavior
  • Open culture of apologies
  • Not putting ourselves and our own concerns above the community

Behaviors that we do not accept include:

  • Sexual harassment: This can be very subtle but also very offensive, verbal as well as physical, or even with brute force
  • Bullying: Primarily long-term behavior of hostility and humiliation; this includes verbal attacks, actions, and sometimes even violence
  • Discrimination: Purposeful humiliation of people based on their skin color, language, religion, appearance, sexual orientation, gender, origin, or education
  • Trolling: Insulting and/or derogatory comments, personal or political attacks
  • Publication of other people’s private information

Enforcement of Guidelines

ZKM employees contribute to the Code of Conduct. They know this and have agreed by consent. The ZKM Executive Board, together with the department and division heads, are responsible for ensuring that the guidelines are known, practiced, and adhered to. In the event of violations, they must clearly identify them to the person who has not complied with the guidelines and, if necessary, take appropriate disciplinary/employment action. ZKM | Karlsruhe considers itself responsible and reserves the right to intervene in any incidents, comments, commits, codes, wiki content, or other content that does not comply with this Code of Conduct as well as to either remove, edit, or reject them. The rationale for this approach is communicated in a comprehensible manner.


The ZKM | Code of Conduct applies to all collaborative scopes of action, even if a single person is officially representing ZKM publicly to a community.

Examples include:

  • All collaborative work situations at ZKM
  • ZKM e-mail addresses and correspondence
  • Posts on ZKM social media accounts
  • Behavior at online and offline events


Cases of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to 

All complaints will be investigated promptly and in strict confidence. The recipients commit to maintaining the privacy and security of the reporters of an incident.


This Code of Conduct is based on the Contributor Covenant of Open Source Communities, version 2.0, available at


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

