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EU Funding Programs

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Admin Title
D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 2041
flex-row-9-3 reverse

As part of the EU funding programs, the EU Commission grants direct financial aid to public and private institutions in the member states for projects that extend beyond national interests, and are connected to the politics of the European Union.

Initiatives are supported in various fields, ranging from research, education, culture, regional politics, healthcare, consumer protection, and the environment, to the information society.

EU funding is granted on the basis of a EU-Program. The respective Directorate Generals and Commission services, which oversee the support programs publish their annual work programs each year on their webpage, along with requests for the submission of proposals with information on application procedures. Depending on the field in question, various requirements must be met for participation.

Every EU-Program has its own conditions upon which it is awarded, such as aims, themes, schedules, available budget, etc. With respect to the submission of proposals, applicants must submit a project proposal commensurate with the goals, and which fulfills all relevant requirements within the given deadline. Applications will be reviewed and assessed subject to the law of equal treatment and in accordance with the criteria as cited in the call for proposals. The decision is then communicated to the applicant.

Information portal for support programs and financial assistance of the EU.


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