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11th Silent Film Festival: Fritz Lang. Cineast

Thu, March 14 – Sun, March 17, 2013

After the 10th Silent Film Festival, the main film program Edition 2013 once again highlights film director Fritz Lang. Like last year, the film program not only offers insight into his work as director, but also traces the influences that made an essential impact on Fritz Lang, as well as the extent to which Lang, in turn, exerted an influence on successive generations. One of the first highlights is the opening of the Silent Film Festival in the atrium of the Karlsruhe University of Arts and (HfG). The screening of a restored version of the classic “Metropolis” from 2012 with musical accompaniment follows this. When the actress Brigitte Helm became a celebrated star with this film, she went on to occupy the main role in “Die wunderbare Lüge der Nina Petrowna [The Wonderful Lie of Nina Petrovna]” by Hanns Schwarz, to be screened on Friday, February 15, 2013, at the ZKM_Media Theater. Among the films of Fritz Lang’s early creative period as director are: “Das wandernde Bild [The Wandering Image]” and “Kämpfende Herzen [Fighting Hearts]”, also with musical accompaniment by the Aljoscha-Zimmermann Ensemble. In honor of the director’s 100 birthday two episodes of the film series “Fantômas” by Louis Feuillade will be screened at the ZKM.

This year the film concert at the ZKM will be striking out in a new direction: The Ensemble TEMA, presently guest at the HfG, will provide musical accompaniment to the film by Carl Theodor Dreyer “Die Gezeichneten [The Signed]” with a piece composed by Bernd Thewes. The pogroms against the Jews in Czarist Russia prior to the First World War; this is an explosively dramatic film with compressed and complex music. The children’s program comprises a filming of the fairytale “Kalif Storch” by Wilhelm Hauff; the passages of transformation feature animations. As part of the partnership with the Silent Film Festival in Anères (France), a film by Jacques Feyder will be broadcast to conclude the Film Festival in Karlsruhe: “Les Noveaux Messieurs [The New Masters]” is based on a popular farce about parliamentary officials, a union secretary and the affairs of the various men.

Thurs, March 14, 2013
7 p.m."Metropolis”
Music: chamber ensemble Felix Treiber
[Atriums of the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG)]

Fri, March 15, 2013
2 p.m. Lectures and small colloquium
[ZKM_Lecture Hall]

7 p.m. "Die wunderbare Lüge der Nina Petrowna [The Wonderful Lie of Nina Petrowna]"
Direction: Hanns Schwarz, Music: Günter Buchwald

Sat, March 16, 2013
3 p.m. "Das wandernde Bild [The Wandering Image]"
Music: Aljoscha-Zimmermann-Ensemble

5 p.m. "Kämpfende Herzen [Fighting Hearts]"
Music: Aljoscha-Zimmermann-Ensemble

8 p.m. Film Concert
Carl Theodor Dreyer: "Die Gezeichneten [The Signed]"
Music: Composition: Bernd Thewes, Ensemble TEMA

10.30 p.m. "100 Years..."
Louis Feuillade: "Fantômas", Episode 1 and 2
Music: Günter Buchwald

Sun, March 17, 2013
Children's Program
3 p.m. Kalif Storch" by Hans Berger
Music: music school Cornelia Brugger

6.30 p.m. Partnership Anères
Jacques Feyder: "Die neuen Herren [The New Masters]"
Music: KrausFink Percussion

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

