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Goulash Programmers Night (GPN) 2015

Thu, June 04 – Sun, June 07, 2015

@ Entropia e.V./CCC
It has almost become tradition: from Thursday to Sunday, June 4 to 7, Entropia e.V. / CCC Karlsruhe presents the legendary Goulash Programmers Night in the spaces of the HfG and the ZKM Karlsruhe. There will be a great deal to see, to admire, to listen to and to contribute to: technology enthusiasts and those who wish to become experts meet together to attend and hold lectures and workshops, or simply to implement projects with others. There is enough for everyone to admire: Psychedelic LED works of art, 3D- printers, fully automatic embroidery machines and other adventurous handicrafts populate atria 3 and 4.
The lectures and workshops mainly, though not exclusively, have to do with hard and software, data protection and web politics. In addition to the lectures, the »Hackcenter« also has a gigantic handicrafts area for assessing and contributing projects. Naturally, there is also goulash and caffeinated drinks for all those who get hungry and thirsty.
And, naturally: goulash as long as stocks last!
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

