
Schlosslichtspiele 2018 | Save the date



Schlosslichtspiele 2018
Sat, 28.07.2018 – Sun, 09.09.2018
Palace Garden, Karlsruhe
Free entry

SAVE THE DATE: From July 28 to September 9, the SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE 2018 will take place. We look forward to six exciting weeks with unique and breathtaking projections this summer. 

As a highlight of the Karlsruhe city birthday festivities, the SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE celebrated their premiere. Since then, the format has attracted around one million visitors to the square in front of Karlsruhe Palace, turning it into the city's summer highlight.

The artists have already been confirmed:

Maxin10sity is a Hungarian artist collective that was already represented in the last three editions of the SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE. In the past, the group has realized projection mappings for the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, the Brandenburg Gate and the Parliament building in Bucharest.
Global Illumination is a collective of visual artists and filmmakers dealing with short films, animations, video mappings and AV performances. The common vision of Global Illumination is to combine breathtaking, original visuals with messages that make it possible to gain knowledge. 
László Zsolt Bordos, also known as »Bordos ArtWorks«, is an artist living in Budapest. His early activities as a »Visual Jockey« for 3D animations, his participation in gigantic facade projections and his unusual video projections and 3D mapping projects make him a pioneer of the genre.
Jonas Denzel is a Master student at the University of Mainz and media artist. In 2016 he received a Fulbright scholarship and studied film and media art in Philadelphia (USA). His films and installations have been shown in Europe and North America, among other places. He was involved in the show Velografie für Drais for the »SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE 2017«.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200
