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Etudes Pour Théâtre Acoustique

Installation and Lecture by Pedro Garcia-Velasquez und Augustin Muller (Joint ZKM/IRCAM Residency)

Fri, September 14 – Sun, September 16, 2018

© Florent Fabre

From September 14–16, artists in residence Pedro Garcia-Velasquez and Augustin Muller will present the results of their working stations at ZKM and IRCAM with a lecture and a sound installation that can be visited throughout the weekend.

The artists' work focuses on the creation of a library of room impulse responses for buildings that are acoustically particularly interesting buildings, through which sound characteristics of rooms can be digitally recorded. The installation »Etudes Pour Théâtre Acoustique« takes its listeners on an imaginary journey to »music places«, spaces that move between real and musical worlds, creating a particularly intimate and imaginary atmosphere. 

After numerous concerts and the IRCAM/ ZKM Joint Residency, Pedro Garcia-Velasquez and Augustin Muller continue to explore the possibilities of acoustic characterization of imaginary places. During their stay, they measured acoustics of the real world, sampled them in France and Germany and used them for studies. The emerging evocative power and expressive characteristics now make them accessible to listeners in re-imagined spaces.

Project Team

Ludger Brümmer (Artistic Lead)
Benjamin Miller (Sound Technician)
Hans Gass (Light- & Event Technician)
Manuel Urrutia, Christian Berkes (Assistance Light- & Event Technician)
Dorte Becker, Sophie Caecilia Hesse (Organisation)

Organizing Organization / Institution

ZKM | Center for Art and Media
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

