BS DC Import ID
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Nora Al-Badri

Portrait of Nora Al-Badri
© Eriver Hijano


Nora Al-Badri is a multi-disciplinary and conceptual media artist with a German-Iraqi background. Her works are research-based as well as paradisciplinary  and as much post-colonial as post-digital. She lives and works in Berlin. She graduated in political sciences at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt/Main and is now the director for AI+Art at the ETH AI Center in Zurich. Her practice focuses on the politics and the emancipatory potential  of new technologies such as machine intelligence or data sculpting, non-human agency and transcendence. Al-Badri’s artistic material is a speculative archaeology from fossils to artefacts or performative interventions in museums and other public spaces, that respond to the inherent power structures. 

Her work was featured at The New York Times, BBC, The Times, Artnet, Wired, Le Monde Afrique, Financial Times, Arte TV, The Independent, New Statesmen, Hyperallergic, Smithsonian, Al Ahram, Egypt Today, Vice, Hürriyet, Dezeen, Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, Spiegel Online, Heise, The Boston Globe, Dezeen, Archdaily, Polska, La informacion, De Volkskrant, Gizmodo, New Scientist, Popular Science and The Verge amongst others.

Her works got granted by several institutions like Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Goethe-Institut, Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (IfA), German Federal Foreign Office and European Cultural Foundation (ECF), Senate of Berlin City.

She has exhibited in the Viktoria and Albert Museums' Applied Arts Pavilion at La Biennale di Venezia, 3rd Design Biennal Istanbul, ZKM Karlsruhe, Science Gallery, Dublin, NRW Forum, Space Fundacion Telefonica, Berliner Herbstsalon - Gorki Theater, Ars Electronica, Abandon Normal Devices, The Influencers, Gray Area Festival Art& Technology etc.

Al-Badri regularly gives classes and lectures at universities and museums all over the world such as Techne Institute at University of Buffalo, MassArt Boston, UDK university Berlin, Hochschule Weissensee Berlin, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, University of Halle and IRIBA Center for Multimedia Heritage and different Kigali, Warburg Institute and Central Saint Martins College London, UCL London, Einstein Center for Digital Future Berlin, Leuphana University Lüneburg, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, Migros Foundation, Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel, Mozilla Festival and many more.

She is acting as jury member for the Chaos Communication Congress' Arts & Culture Track, formerly the jury of Berlinale Peace Price from Heinrich Böll Foundation (2019) and the jury of the Digital Academy Dortmund (2019).


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

