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Tabara Korka Ndiaye

Portrait Tabara Korka Ndiaye, 2021
© Kerry Etolat Vidérot

Year of birth, place


Role at the ZKM

  • Guest Scholar


Tabara Korka Ndiaye is a Senegalese researcher, writer and creative. She graduated in Political Science and International Relations. She discussed the 'presence-absence' of women in politics in Senegal in the collective book »Politisez-vous!«, 2017. For the 13th biennale of arts in Dakar in 2018, she worked for the OFF Commission and participated in the performative exhibition »maGma« with other women. She also undertook a series of noise  recordings of the city of Dakar to explore the idea that 'noise is language' for the »Collectif 0n est malade« formed with Freya Edmondes during the RAW Academy Session 3 under the direction of the Journal Rappé. Tabara Korka is particularly interested in how the future can be shaped with personal stories. Her research interests include women's discourse in hip hop, the struggles worn by activists in the political and the historical trajectory of Senegal and feminism. She works at RAW Material Company as a research assistant. She lives and works in Dakar.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

