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Artemi – Maria Gioti

Feminale of Music

Artemi-Maria Gioti
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Artemi – Maria Gioti is a composer and researcher working across the disciplinary boundaries between art, science and technology. Her research interests include computational intelligence, musical robotics, sonification, as well as collaborative and participatory sound art.

Artemi – Maria Gioti is born on April 13, 1990 in Greece, she currently lives and works in Graz, Austria. Her compositions consist of works for solo instruments, ensemble, live and interactive electronics and have been performed in Greece, Austria, Portugal, Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands and in the USA. One piece of Gioti is called »Temperatures« and she was awarded the KlimARS Prize in 2016. It is based of sinifictation and audification of climate data. She has worked with some temperature curves of the European seas and audified them which means she read these temperature curves as sound. Gioti also sonified them which means she has mapped these values into parameters that control the overall structure of the piece. Especially in the third part you can exactly hear how these curves developped.

She studied Composition at the University of Macedonia (Greece), Electroacoustic Composition at the University of Music and performing Arts of Vienna, and Composition – Computer Music at the Institute for Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) of the University of Music and Performing Arts of Graz. She is currently pursuing her doctoral degree at the same university. Since 2018 she is the Principal Investigator of the artistic research project Inter_agency, hosted at the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics (IEM) in Graz and exploring the potential of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for electro-instrumental composition. She is a member of the electronic duo intra-sonic (Artemi – Maria Gioti and Visda Goudarzi). Together with Kosmas Giannoutakis, she developed and moderated the CECIA project (Collaborative Electroacoustic Composition with Intelligent Agents), where she implemented the machine learning algorithms into the project. CECIA is part of the Interfaces project, which took place within the Creative Europe framework of the European Commission and was funded by the EU. The world premiere of CECIA took place on December 14, 2019, at the festival »Sonic Experiments: Telematics« organized by ZKM | Hertz-Lab. Furthermore, Artemi – Maria Gioti received the Giga-Hertz-Production Award of ZKM | Karlsruhe in 2019. 



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Music pieces

Imitation game for human and robotic percussionist recorded for the Giga-Hertz-Award 2019, concert on 23.11.2019: Manuel Alcaraz Clemente (percussion) and Nicolae David (videography).

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Work of Art

Imitation Game

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Documentary of artworks

Artemi-Maria Gioti »Imitation Game« | Documentary

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Symbiosis for double bass and interactive electronics published by Artemi – Maria Gioti and played by Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka (contrabass).

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Converge/Diverge published by Artemi – Maria Gioti, played by Florian Müller (piano) and Nikolaus Feinig (contrabass from Klangforum Wien), Nicolae David (videography).

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Interview Artemi – Maria Gioti and presentation of her work »Temperatures« published by CCCA-Climate Change Centre Austria. Artemi – Maria Gioti is KlimARS2016 award winner.

The work for multi-channel media is based on the sonification of data on climate change provided by the European Environment Agency.

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ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

