BS DC Import Time

Fake Me Deep

© Marnix de Nijs
Marnix de Nijs
Fake Me Deep
Medium / Material / Technic
Interactive installation

Fake Me Deep uses artificial intelligence (AI) to visualize the link between biometric data, identity, and surveillance. We invite you to upload a portrait photo and complete a survey in which you provide personal details such as age, gender, and personality traits. Using this data, AI algorithms generate a simulated version of your face, as well as a speculative analysis of your future, including a possible criminal record, your cause of death or the condition of your mental health.

The artwork encourages us to question the accuracy and ethics of these systems. How does AI interpret our appearance and personal information? Does it reveal a truthful version of who we are - or does it construct a distorted, even dangerous image? Fake Me Deep exposes the unsettling ways in which AI can be used for profiling and prediction, and challenges us to think about how these technologies affect our behavior, our idea of privacy, and our identity.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

