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upDate: Pippa Murphy

Fri, November 28, 2003 8:00 pm CET

Music Balcony

Lecture, Concert, Laptop Performance [with Richard Whitelaw]

Pippa Murphy is ending her stay as artist-in-residence at the ZKM⎥Institute for Music and Acoustics with a full evening’s programme consisting of a lecture, loudspeaker concert and laptop improvisation. Murphy, who was recently awarded the Music Prize of the Scottish Arts Council, lives and works in Edinburgh as a composer and performance artist, curator and radio producer. She also teaches at the University of Edinburgh and Aberdeen University.

For the past 10 years Pippa Murphy has been a member of the Birmingham Electro-Acoustic Sound Theatre, BEAST, one of the best-known and most renowned surround sound theatres in the world. She will demonstrate her experience with the spatial diffusion of electro-acoustic music with a large orchestra of loudspeakers in the ZKM Cube. In addition to works that stem from the working environment of her colleagues she will be premiering the piece entitled »Voix du Sable« that she composed during her stay as artist-in-residence at the ZKM. After a brief introductory lecture Pippa Murphy will make a number of remarks before going on to present the pieces, thus providing a seamless link between the lecture and the concert.

The evening will be concluded on the ZKM Music Balcony [bar open!] without words but with an expression of dual artistic creativity. Together with her colleague, the British sound artist, Richard Whitelaw, Pippa Murphy will conjure up sonic [illusory] images and make her way through de-territorialised soundscapes in an improvised laptop performance.

Organizing Organization / Institution

Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

