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Cultural Loss through Decomposition of the Memory?

The Cultural of Memory in the Digital Age

Thu, October 24, 2013 10:00 am CEST

Media Theater
The conference is dedicated both to the legal problems connected to the Digital Archive Internet, and to the role of the state archives, from archives of public television and radio broadcasters, as well as the literary archive at Marbach. A brief look at the radio archive of neighboring France is also taken.

The reasons behind the conference are the digital cultural goods which are very difficult to archive. And yet the Internet − as Universal Archive − does not always appear to be the appropriate location for collecting knowledge: much of what someone would prefer to have disappear remains visible to all by a mere mouse click; this equally concerns private persons, institutions and businesses. Additional issues are those of copyright, personal rights and data protection, all of which demand solutions especially in view of the disclosures following the Snowden affair.

Conversely, cultural memory threatens to disappear with increasing rapidity in the digital age. And efforts to retain such memory are conspicuous; here the technical development, and, above all, the criteria for determining what is worthy of preservation present cultural archives with difficult decisions. Your point of view will also be considered during the conference.


10 a.m.
Welcome Address
Dr. Frank Mentrup, Mayor of the City of Karlsruhe

10.10 a.m.
Welcome and Introduction
Archiviing, Law and Art: A Brief Overview
Prof. Dr. h.c. Peter Weibel, Chairman of the ZKM | Karlsruhe

Legal Aspects − Memory and Disappearance of Content on the Internet:
Digital Use and Personal Rights in the Global Space of the Internet

10.30 a.m.
Constitutional Legal Aspects
Prof. Dr. Johannes Masing, Judge at the German Constitutional Court, Karlsruhe

10.55 a.m. Forgeting is Human. For a Net Culutre with a Delete Function?
Prof. Dr. Mayer-Schönberger, Oxford Internet-Institute, Oxford, UK

11.40 a.m.

12 p.m.
Data Protection − The Present Situation
Prof. Dr. Michael Ronellenfitsch, Data Protection Supervisor, Hessen, Wiesbaden 12.45 p.m.−2.15 p.m.
Discussion Group with other Participants

The Internet as Center of Conflicht for Copyright Law and Peronal Rights
Dr. Till Kreutzer, Lawyer, iRights Law, Lawyers for the Digital World, Berlin

Data Protection: Claim and Reality − the Perspective of the Internet Economy
Dr. Guido Brinkel, Expert Government Relations, 1 & 1 Internet AG – Capital City Office, Berlin

Freedom Needs Openness − Openness Needs Memory
Alvar Freude, Net Activist

2.30 p.m. End Morning Program

3.30 p.m. Coffee and Cake

Strategies for the Digital Archi­ving
4 p.m. Evaluation, Preservation and Delivery of Digital Documents in Public Archives
Dr. Gerald Maier, National Archives Baden-Württem­berg, Stuttgart
Federal Commissioner for "Digitization and Online Accessibility of Cultural Material and Digital Preservation"

4.30 p.m. The Archi­ving of Radio Broadcasts and TV Shows by the broadcasters
Frank Adam, Head of Departmen Infor­­ma­tion, Documen­ta­tion und Archive of SWR and SR, Stuttgart

5 p.m. Break

5.15 p.m. The Archi­ving of Radio Broadcasts in France
Jean Carrive, Expert, Dépar­te­ment recherche, Institut national audivisuel (INA), Paris

5.45 p.m. About Archi­ving of Literature
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Raulff, Director, German Literature Archive, Marbach a. N.

6.15 p.m. Discussion

7 Uhr Closing
Dr. Susanne Asche, Head of Cultural Department of the City Karlsruhe
Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

