From Beadwork to Coding: Vernacular Algorithms Workshop
A dynamic coding exploration for creative coders with Tegan Bristow
Sun, November 18, 2018 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm CET
- Location
- OpenHUB, Atrium 8+9
A dynamic coding exploration for creative programmers during the opening program of »Digital Imaginaries - Africas in Production«.
Drawing on Zulu beadwork, Tegan Bristow (Fak’ugesi African Digital Innovation Festival, South Africa) will illustrate the exploration of beadwork patterns as a reference for complex mathematics in coding. Creative coders working in any medium are invited to join in exploring the complex layers of beadwork in code. The workshop is part of a series of events that explore the notion of vernacular algorithms.
The workshop will be held in English.
Bring your own laptop if possible!
Organizing Organization / Institution
ZKM | Karlsruhe
This Event - Is part of
Accompanying program