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Hear, hear! Radio Play sets a Precedent

ARD Radio Play Days 2018

Sat, November 10, 2018 10:00 am – 5:00 pm CET

(c) Image: Colourbox, Illustration: SWR/Leonie Hoffmann

Attentive listening is a basic and key competence that can be practised and specifically promoted – school is an ideal place for this.

For language acquisition and successful communication, correct listening is of fundamental importance. In addition, this support for listening is directly accompanied by support for reading, speaking, general language skills and the ability to concentrate. 

Radio plays are »cinema in the head«, stimulate the imagination, the acoustic and visual imagination and awaken in the listener an understanding of the richness of language. They also have a long tradition as art and entertainment forms of radio. Radio plays are still not sufficiently present in schools either as a compulsory subject in the curriculum or as teaching materials. The same applies to the technical equipment used to produce radio plays with pupils. This is exactly where the Fachtag during the ARD Radio Play Days comes in. 

For teachers, pupils, students and lecturers as well as people interested in radio plays. With lectures and practical reports, the day offers an overview of possibilities and experiences with the use of radio plays in everyday pedagogical life – for all grades, from primary school to university. 

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10 am               


Greeting in conversation

Ute Soldierer talks to Ulrich Commerçon

(Minister for Education and Culture of Saarland)

and Martin Wagner (Radio Director of Bayerischer Rundfunk and Chairman of the Supervisory Board 
of the ARD Radio Commission)

Audience interference desired!

11 am       


What directing means

Three radio play professionals in action: Antje Vowinckel, Wolfgang Seesko, Alexander Schuhmacher

12:30 pm                                            


Lunch break with the ARD radio play box and the information booths of ARD, Tonies, Ohrenspitzer, SWR Medienstark, Planet School radio play construction kit, Kindermedienland Baden-Württemberg and Foundation Listening


Technical lectures

1:30 pm                  


A short history of the Radio Play 
Hermann Bohlen (freelance author and director)

2:15 pm    


The world is sound! Do we need a new culture of listening?

SWR2 Forum
Guests: Ulrich Commerçon, Walter Filz (SWR, Ltg: radio play & feature editor) and others. Conversation leader: Ralf Caspary

3 pm      




Practical examples:

3:30 pm      


Anyone can hear
Listening training with ear sharpener and mini musicians for young and old
Birgit Hock, MKFS Foundation

4 pm


Cinema in your head

The Planet School radio play construction kit for children
Ulla Rehbein and Tilman Bischoff, Planet School

4:20 pm


Listening pleasure, competence acquisition and literary learning 

with current radio play productions by public broadcasters

(from class 8 into university)

Dr. Torsten Mergen, Saarland University

4:40 pm


Radio play production made easy

Dealing with editing software

Wolfgang Rein, Sound Engineer, SWR

5 pm


End of the event


Day Moderation: Ute Soldierer

Accompanying program


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76135 Karlsruhe

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