The Next Renaissance – Le Goût de l’Invisible
Reclining head of David as part of the work METABOLICA (AHEAD)
ZKM at the Goethe-Institut Paris
Mon, May 13, 2024 – Tue, August 27, 2024

The exhibition, developed by ZKM | Karlsruhe for the Goethe-Institut Paris and presented in cooperation with the EIT Culture & Creativity and the Media Solution Center Baden-Württemberg (MSC), focuses on future-oriented spheres of knowledge.

How does art change when it makes use of new technologies and develops access to scientific methods of knowledge? What impulses for change extend beyond the field of art? Scientific media art opens up the space for new sensory and imaginative forces.
The starting point for the presentation is Peter Weibel's final exhibition at the ZKM, »Renaissance 3.0. A Base Camp for New Alliances of Art and Science in the 21st Century« (March 2023 to February 2024). It combines selected artworks shown in Karlsruhe with new works adapted to the Parisian context. Its objective is to exemplify the logics and practices of media art, technology and science as a joint effort to »make the invisible visible«.

»The Next Renaissance« is an initiative of the European Union's EIT Culture & Creativity to make innovations at the interface of culture and science in Europe more widely known — beyond the boundaries of the respective disciplines. The goal is to create and strengthen a community of changemakers who bring about social development through new and unanticipated collaborations between culture and science.

With works by Zbyněk Baladràn (CZ), Thijs Biersteker (NL), Michèle Boulogne (NL), Thomas Feuerstein (AT), Liinu Grönlund & Okku Nuutilainen (FI), Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (CA), Manfred P. Kage (DE), Egór Kraft (AT/DE/JP), Dorcas Müller (DE), Joel Ong (CA), Jean Painlevé (FR), Helen Pynor (AU) and Joel Sherwood-Spring (AU)

Monday, May 13, 2024, 7:00 pm
Goethe-Institut Paris

Note on opening hours

The Goethe-Institut Paris is open Monday to Saturday from 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. From July 29 to August 18, 2024, the institute will be closed. The exhibition will be open until July 27 and again from August 19.

Exhibitions team

Anett Holzheid (Curator, ZKM | Karlsruhe)
Felix Pausch (Technical management, ZKM | Karlsruhe)
Natascha Daher (Registrar, ZKM | Karlsruhe)
Leonie Rök (Conservator, ZKM | Karlsruhe)
Klaus Burckhardt, Christof Hierholzer, Anett Holzheid, Felix Pausch, Leonie Rök (Construction team, ZKM | Karlsruhe)

Philipp Asbach (Project management, Goethe-Institut Paris)

Organization / Institution
ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
Cooperation partners

Goethe-Institut Paris
EIT (European Institute of Innovation & Technology) Culture & Creativity
Media Solution Center Baden-Württemberg (MSC)

Cooperation partners

Supported by