Rethinking the World Together

Join the Polyphony!

You can see a large net of threads in a white room. Several people are standing in this space and touching these threads.

We live in a world that changes every day. Much is complex and contradictory. But it is precisely this diversity of voices that holds us in an open, democratic society and moves us forward as whole human beings.

Since the 1990s, media artist and theorist Peter Weibel has built the ZKM into a global platform for art, media, technology and society. Now Alistair Hudson is taking over as director, opening up the ZKM to interlocal debate and creativity. The Briton sees cultural institutions as places of collective dialogue and defines artistic and curatorial processes in terms of the »useful museum« as engines of social change. He calls on us to rethink the world together.

The ZKM campaign »Polyphony!« invites you to look into the future together with us. What do you expect from the ZKM, from new media worlds, from the art and technology of tomorrow? Join the Polyphony!

Voices @ ZKM

»Polyphony!« will let many different voices have their say, which already make the ZKM an open and polyphonic place. We invite you to meet international artists, ZKM staff and visitors in and from Karlsruhe over the coming months - and to leave your own traces!

To the campaign

A colorful trail against an orange-blue background