next_generation X


next_generation X - Konzert Titelbild


As Europe's largest meet-up of university studios for electronic music, »next_generation« offers up-and-coming composers a platform to present their new musical developments. This year, the festival initiated and conceived by Ludger Brümmer is celebrating its 10th edition.
Over four days, »next_generation« offers an exciting and dense program with the latest positions from the fields of »fixed media«, »spatial music« and »live electronics«. The festival thus guarantees a representative overview of the current creative work of the next generation of composers in the context of technology and art.

This year, students from 27 electronic university studios from Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Italy and Switzerland are taking part. All participants will have the opportunity to present their work in concerts and installations at various locations in the ZKM or to exchange ideas about their own areas of interest in lectures and discussions. In addition, professors and lecturers will report on current developments in the individual studios and departments.

Excerpts in the order shown:

Jasper Seibert
slide, phantom, rebar, (2023),
for Water Basin, Balloon, 2 TRS-Plugs, Syringe,
3 Channel Audio, 1 Channel Video & Performance, 14’

Studio für elektroakustische Musik (SeaM)
Hochschule für Musik FRANZ LISZT Weimar

Hoin Ji
Hyperly Not Going to School, (2023–24),
Audiovisual Multichannel Performance, 6’

HfG Karlsruhe, Studio für Medienkunst, Sound und Raumklang

Valeria Vinohradova
Prelude for Joy, (2023),
for Two Joysticks & One Performer, 10–12’

HfM Freiburg, Studio für Elektronische Musik

Jialin LIU
Der Tunnel, (2021–22),
for Cello, Spiral Cymbal & Physical Modelling Ensemble, 14’

As Europe's largest meet-up of university studios for electronic music, »next_generation« offers up-and-coming composers a platform to present their new musical developments. This year, the festival initiated and conceived by Ludger Brümmer is celebrating its 10th edition.
Over four days, »next_generation« offers an exciting and dense program with the latest positions from the fields of »fixed media«, »spatial music« and »live electronics«. The festival thus guarantees a representative overview of the current creative work of the next generation of composers in the context of technology and art.

This year, students from 27 electronic university studios from Germany, Austria, France, the Netherlands, Italy and Switzerland are taking part. All participants will have the opportunity to present their work in concerts and installations at various locations in the ZKM or to exchange ideas about their own areas of interest in lectures and discussions. In addition, professors and lecturers will report on current developments in the individual studios and departments.
HMDK Stuttgart, Studio für Elektronische Musik (StEM)

Samir el Himer
Drips, (2024),
for Hurdy-Gurdy & Performer, 6’

HfM Trossingen, Studiengang Musikdesign

Zeno Lösch
Monotony of the End of Time,
3D-Audio/Video Fixed Media, 6’

HfM Karlsruhe, SAM·ComputerStudio und IMWI Institut für Musikinformatik
und Musikwissenschaft

Li He
Metal head against the machine, (2024),
for Electric Guitar, Electronics & Two Players, ca. 10’

UdK Berlin, Studio für elektroakustische Komposition, Klangkunst und
Klangforschung (UNI.K)

Nicolas Speda
10.wait, (2024),
Live Coding Performance for Laptop, open duration

Universität Mozarteum Salzburg, Studio für Elektronische Musik (SEM)



© ZKM | Video Studio, 2024
Max Clausen (Camera)
Andy Koch (Camera)
Lisa Michel (Camera)
Dan Samuel Pariyarathu (Editing)


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200
