Birgit Richard
Year of birth, place
Role at the ZKM
- Artist of the Collection
Prof. Dr. Birgit Richard teaches New Media in Theory and Practice at the University of Frankfurt. Her research activities centre on new media, image cultures, the aesthetics of present-day youth cultures (youth culture archive) and everyday media (clips, games).
Her publications include: »Todesbilder. Kunst, Subkultur, Medien«, (ed.) Munich 1995; »Sheroes. Genderspiele im virtuellen Raum«, (ed.) Bielefeld 2004; »Coolhunters. Jugend zwischen Medien und Markt«, (ed., with K. Neumann-Braun), Frankfurt am Main 2005; »Schönheit der Uniformität. Körper, Kleidung, Medien«, (ed., with Gabriele Mentges), Frankfurt am Main 2005; »Riskante Bilder. Kunst, Literatur, Medien«, (ed., with Norbert Bolz, Cordula Meier et al), Munich 1996; »Icons. Localizer 1.3.«, (ed., with Robert Klanten), Berlin 1998; »Dauer-Simultaneität-Echtzeit«, (with Sven Drühl) Kunstforum International, Volume 151, July 2000.
Prof. Richard is one of the curators of the exhibition »Coolhunters. Jugendkulturen zwischen Medien und Mark«.