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Online application »BBBank Projection Mapping Award« 2023

Submission of entries: October 5 – November 4, 2022

© Photo: Uli Deck
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D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 45367
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The Karlsruhe SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE are an annual highlight in the UNESCO City of Media Arts Karlsruhe. For about four weeks, every evening in August and September, the more than 170-metre-long façade of the Karlsruhe Baroque Palace becomes a large stage for artistic contributions of projection mapping. 

As the seat of the Federal Constitutional Court and the Federal Supreme Court, Karlsruhe is the city of law in Germany. In 2024, the Federal Republic will celebrate 75 years of the German »Grundgesetz« and the SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE will make reference to this in their new edition. 

As a partner of the SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE, ZKM | Karlsruhe is offering the »BBBank Award in Projection Mapping 2024« in cooperation with BBBank. The Open Call invites international artists to work on the theme of law and democracy. 

The main prize of the BBBank Award is endowed with 10,000 euros. The winning idea will also receive a grant for the production as a contribution to the SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE 2024 (worth up to 30,000 euros net). ZKM | Karlsruhe will provide professional support for the production. The prize money for the runners-up is 5,000 euros and 2,000 euros respectively. All winners will be honoured at an awards ceremony.

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D7 Paragraph: r17_box_section / GPC_ID: 67248
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D7 Paragraph: r17_box_wrapper / GPC_ID: 45370
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Application & Materials

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    D7 Paragraph: r17_box_item / GPC_ID: 45369

    Production Guideline | Download information (PDF)
    Model Data | Download Model Guideline

    Online submission ends on November 20, 2023 // 12:00 noon CET.

    Apply now

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D7 Paragraph: r17_text / GPC_ID: 45371
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The competition will be held internationally for the fourth time in 2023 and is open to artists of all ages. The prize is awarded for the artistic work and not for a person.

The submissions will be judged on the basis of a storyboard and a 5-second media check clip for a new artistic production at the SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE Karlsruhe, as the submissions must follow the Production Guideline of the SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE Karlsruhe from a technical point of view. The organiser and thus partner of the »BBBank Award Projection Mapping« is KME Karlsruhe Marketing und Event GmbH.
All submissions should meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Narrative on law and democracy
  • Narrative on the individual in social cohesion 
  • Narrative on people's commitment to democracy
  • Narrative on the responsibility of all people across all borders
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The jury awards a main prize as well as a second and third place. Chaired by ZKM | Karlsruhe, the jury includes representatives of the HfG | Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe, BBBank eG as sponsor, KME Karlsruhe Marketing und Event GmbH and the City of Karlsruhe as representative of the UNESCO City of Media Arts. 

The jury decides on the basis of curatorial and technical criteria whether the submissions can be awarded and realised.


The Grand Prize is 10,000 euros plus artwork production costs of up to 30,000 euros net, with which the winner will realize their concept for the SCHLOSSLICHSTPIELE Karlsruhe 2024. 

ZKM | Karlsruhe is providing curatorial and technical support for the production. The premiere of the work will take place exclusively as part of the SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE Karlsruhe 2024. The production grant will cover all costs incurred during the production work, such as fees and technology.

Second prize is endowed with 5,000 euros, third prize with 2,000 euros. Second and third place have the chance to be realised, in which case a production grant would also be paid out.

Conditions of participation

Please read the following information carefully before submitting your application. If you have any questions please contact:

Your submission must be complete in German or English by November 20, 2023 // 12:00 noon CET and include the following:

  • A description of the entry submitted (max. 2,000 characters including spaces) as a storyboard and image files (optional)
  • 5-second media check (the content does not matter, it only has to comply with the production guideline)
  • A short biography of the artist(s) giving details of previous experience (max. 1,000 characters including spaces)
  • A portrait photo of the artist(s) (min. 500 x 500 px)

Please note the following points:

  • The deadline for submitting your complete entry is November 20, 2023 (noon CET). Entries that are incomplete will not take part in the competition.
  • The finalized artwork must be 7 to 9 minutes long.
  • The concept you submit must not have already won other awards or been submitted to a similar competition.
  • Employees of the organizing institutions, sponsors, and presenters of the award as well as members of the jury are excluded from participation.
  • Upon receipt of all necessary material and information entrants will receive an e-mail confirming their participation.
  • All submissions will be archived until September 30, 2024; participation implies acceptance of archiving.
  • Participants must be reachable at the address they supply.
  • The prizewinners (or a representative) commit themselves to attending the Awards Ceremony at a date yet to be specified to receive the award in person.
  • When a work wins an award it is possible that the material submitted will be used on various media and means of communication. We thus request the participants to put the sound, image, and text material together with the utmost care.
  • Winners of the Grand Prize agree that the work which was produced in the context of the competition will be shown exclusively at the SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE Karlsruhe in 2024 and in the following years.
  • Winners of the second and third prizes grant the ZKM first right to make an offer for joint implementation of the storyboards in the context of the SCHLOSSLICHTSPIELE Karlsruhe.
  • Submissions that do not fulfill the above mentioned requirements will not be admitted to the competition and will not be presented to the jury.
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D7 Paragraph: r17_teaser_section / GPC_ID: 66412


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

