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Claudia Wedepohl


Since 2006, Claudia Wedepohl, graduated art historian, is the head of the Archive in the Warburg Insititute, London. After her studies in Göttingen and Hamburg, she has been there as a Fellow from 1998 to 2000 and archive assistant from 2000 to 2006. She is co-editor of the Aby Warburg Scripts (De Gruyter, Berlin) Her academic work is focused on the Italian art in the 15th Century as well as on the formation and development of Aby Warburg’s method.

Selected publications: Warburg, Cassirer und Einstein im Gespräch. Kepler als Schlüssel der Moderne, Berlin: Wagenbach 2015 (ed. with Horst Bredekamp); The Muses and Their Afterlife in Post-Classical Europe, ed. by Kathleen W. Christian, Clare E.L. Guest and Claudia Wedepohl (Warburg Institute Colloquia Series, 26), London: The Warburg Institute and Turin: Nino Aragno Editore 2014. In den glänzenden Reichen des ewigen Himmels. Cappella del Perdono und Tempietto delle Muse im Herzogpalast von Urbino, Munich: Scaneg 2009 and Aby M. Warburg, Per Monstra ad Sphaeram. Sternglaube und Bilddeutung. Vortrag in Gedenken an Franz Boll und andere Schriften 1923 bis 1925, ed. by Davide Stimilli with the assistance of Claudia Wedepohl, Munich– Hamburg: Dölling und Galitz 2008.


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