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Elsa Justel

Elsa Justel, 2022
© Elsa Justel, photo: private

Year of birth, place

Mar del Plata


Elsa Justel (*1944 in Mar del Plata, Argentinia) currently works as an independent composer of electronic music and as a video artist. She began her studies at the conservatory of Mar del Plata in music education and choral conducting. Following this, she studied composition with Virtú Maragno and Sergio Hualpa as well as electroacoustics with Francisco Kröpfl and José Maranzano. In 1988, she went to France to complete her doctorate at the Université de Paris VIII with Horacio Vaggione in music aesthetics, musicology and music technology. Her works have won awards at numerous international competitions, including the Dutch Prix Ton Bruynel (2005) and the International Competition for Electroacoustic Music (Bourges, France, 1989 and 2002). She received the scholarship prize of the International Summer Courses for New Music Darmstadt (1990) and an honorable mention at the Prix Ars Electronica in the category »Digital Musics & Sound Art« (1992). Additionally, she received composition commissions from the French government and various European studios. Justel established a pedagogical and research activity at the Universities of Marne La Vallée (France) and Pompeu Fabra (Spain), as well as at several European conservatories of music. In 2007, she started the Fundació Destellos to promote Latin American electroacoustic music and digital arts. Elsa Justel lives and works in Argentinia and France.


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

