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Coding da Vinci Baden-Württemberg

Germany's most successful hackathon for open cultural data

Museums, libraries, archives and memorials (GLAMS)* have a valuable treasure: their extensive data collections on a wide variety of topics – our common digital cultural heritage. This is usually little known to the general public. Coding da Vinci wants to change that. Founded in Berlin in 2014, the initiative brings together cultural institutions with students and the open data and creative tech communities to develop innovative applications for different target groups.

What happens at the Culture Hackathon?

As part of Coding da Vinci Baden-Württemberg 2022, GLAMs from all over Baden-Württemberg are called upon to make their data available for creative use by participants. The ideas and programming competition is aimed at students from a wide range of disciplines as well as coders, designers, game developers, artists, tech-savvy young people and other interested parties.

Participants work together in small teams to develop digital applications that are then developed into prototypes. Visualisations, games, VR/AR applications or apps can be created that establish new connections between the institutions, their cultural heritage and the public.

* "Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums"

Event team

Coding da Vinci Baden-Württemberg 2022 is jointly organized by the following institutions:

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  • Prepare your Data (January/February 2022): Information events for interested cultural institutions throughout Baden-Württemberg.
  • Kick-Off Hackathon (7/8 May 2022): Presentation of the data sets, idea development and team building at the ZKM
  • Sprint phase (9 May to 24 June 2022): 7 weeks to develop ideas into executable prototypes
  • Award ceremony (24 June 2022): Award ceremony at the Württemberg State Museum with presentation of the results and award ceremony

Information for interested parties

All cultural and memory institutions from Baden-Württemberg are cordially invited to participate in Coding da Vinci Baden-Württemberg 2022 and to contribute their data sets. All information on participation, the planned procedure and the initiative can be found on the official Coding da Vinci website.

Project team

Project Management Coding da Vinci: Sylvia Petrovic-Majer
Project Management ZKM: Sabine Jäger


  • Sponsored by

  • Partners


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

