BS DC Import ID
BS DC Import Time


Fostering Live Coding practices across Europe

The project seeks to support the development of the European Live Coding practice, a performing art and a creative technique centered in writing computer programs in real time.

The partnership motivation and conviction is that live coding represents an important and broad, but seldom articulated, set of opportunities for the creative sector, computer science and humanities. Strongly tied to mathematics and computer science, live coding is a powerful tool to promote artistic research, digital creation and technology literacy. Mainly used to create sound, music, and visuals on the fly, Live Coding also extends to other creative fields. It engages with diverse unexplored and novel areas in the creative sector, human-computer interaction, programming language design, and performance studies, rendering the practice an ideal platform for both artistic and digital experiments.

Organization / Institution

Hangar, Barcelona (ES)
  • In cooperation with

  • Supported by


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

