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Symposium on the future of opera

Fri, January 24, 2020 5:00 pm – Sat, January 25, 2020 7:00 pm CET

© Rosellina Garbo

Digital technologies are ubiquitous. Applied to opera they open up countless possibilities to offer unusual experiences and to make this art form accessible to the audience in a new way. This allows for the spark of enthusiasm to also reach those people who have never seen an opera performance before.

The Badisches Staatstheater together with the ZKM | Karlsruhe invites media artists and theatre producers to attend this symposium in the Opera and Media Arts series. Attendants will gain an insight into the development of the digital and media in musical theatre and investigate the question of what opera could look like in the year 2070. The symposium culminates in the premiere of the opera Turandot, which is staged by the Italian director Fabio Cherstich in collaboration with the Russian video arts collective AES&F and produced as a cooperation with the opera houses in Palermo and Bologna.


Friday, 24.01.2020

5–6 pm Guided exhibition tourZKM
7–9:30 pm 

Digital Freischütz

VR-Oper in four episodes,15 minutes each

Badisches Staatstheater


Saturday, 25.01.2020

09:30 am  Coffee & RegistrationZKM
10:00 am  

Opening ceremony
Dr. Susanne Asche, Head of Kulturamt
Nicole Braunger, Opera director Badisches Staatstheater
Peter Weibel, CEO ZKM

10:45 am  

Key Note

Kay Voges, Intendant Schauspiel Dortmund

11:30 am –1pm  

Panel Cities of Media Arts –
Opera & Media Arts in Germany

André Bücker Artistic director, Staatstheater Augsburg
Manuel Braun Director & Video artist
CyberRäuber VR experts, Berlin
Andreas Deinert Video artist
Carl Hegemann Author & dramatic advisor
Kay Voges Artistic Director
Schauspiel Dortmund

1 –2 pm  Working LunchZKM
2–3:30 pm  Panel II in English
Far Beyond – International Perspectives
on Opera & Media Arts
2–3:30 pm  Best Practice International
Presentation of attendants
2:45–3:30 pm  

Panel Talk
AES+F Media arts collective
Audrey Brahimi National Opera Montpellier
Fabio Cherstich Director
Lilli Paasikivi Artistic director
Finnish National Opera, Helsinki
Olga Soloveva Director
Digital Opera 2.0, St. Petersburg
Representatives Theatre in the Digital Age,
European Theatre Convention (ETC)

Moderation Peter Spuhler, General artistic director STAATSTHEATER

3:30– 4pm  Coffee breakZKM
4 –5:30 pm  Panel III
Art of sound – transmedial approaches in the interaction between composition, performance, and reception in the musical theatre of the 21st century
4–4:30 pm  Listen to the music
Presentation of attendants & of the project De-Linking Sounds
4:30–5:30 pm  

Panel Talk
Georg Haidu, Composer
Anno Mungen, Music scholar
Marlon Schumacher, Composer
Marc Sinan, Composer

5:30 pm  Shuttle ZKM – Badisches Staatstheater 
6 pm  Working DinnerMittleres Foyer, Badisches Staatsthater
6:30 pm  Introduction TurandotBadisches Staatstheater
7 pm  Premiere TurandotGroßes Haus, Badisches Staatstheater


Accompanying program


ZKM | Center for Art and Media

Lorenzstraße 19
76135 Karlsruhe

+49 (0) 721 - 8100 - 1200

